Ziegra Ice Machine Sanitiser

Ziegra ice machine sanitiser is an anti-bacterial product designed for both regualr preventative use and intensive cleaning operations. The instructions for use on this page assume a new or recently cleaned machine, fitted with an approved water filter and regular application.

For machines that are already contaminated, follow the intensive cleaning instructions before beginning the preventative treatments outlned below.

For intensive cleaning decontamination instructions, please click here.
For MSDS please click here.

Ziegra ice machine sanitiser


  • Food safe and approved for use in public water supplies
  • Kills bacteria including Legionella, viruses, algae, fungi and fungal spores
  • Breaks down to water and oxygen, eliminating toxic products
  • No taste or odour
  • Removes bio-film
  • Continues to disinfect after application
  • Quick and easy to apply
  • Environmentally friendly
  • For all sizes and types of Ziegra ice machine
  • Available in 5 litre or 100ml tubes.
Introducing the solution into the ice machine
  • If your ice machine has an automatic or manual Ziegra dosing system installed, simply add the required amount of Ziegra sanitiser to the reservoir and follow the directions appropriate to the system.
  • If your ice machine does not have a dosing system, but it has a Ziegra triple water filter; Switch off the ice machine, Isolate the filter at the shut off valve, remove the RH bowl using the bowl spanner, remove the fine filter cartridge and put the appropriate amount of sanitiser into the empty bowl. Replace the bowl and run the ice machine until all the sanitiser has flushed through, discarding the ice. When the sanitising process is complete, replace the fine filter cartridge and resume normal ice production.
  • If you machine has a Ziegra single filter cartridge; purchase a Ziegra single sanitising cartridge, remove the standard cartridge (the water shuts off automatically as the cartridge is removed), pour the appropriate amount of sanitiser into the sanitising cartridge and install. Switch the machine back on and run the ice machine until all the sanitising solution has flushed through, discarding the ice. When the sanitising process is complete, replace the standard filter cartridge and resume normal ice production.
  • If your ice machine does not have a filter system, it is highly recommended that you purchase one for maximum hygiene, efficiency and reliability.
  • Test the ice after flushing and repeat process as necessary
  • For very contaminated systems, soaking of the water system in neat sanitiser may be necessary.
  • Ziegra sanitiser is effective against a vast array of micro-organisms. If you have some concerns regarding a particular species, please contact Ziegra.
  • Protect eyes and bare skin from the solution and do not ingest
  • If the solution is ingested or splashed into the eyes or on to the skin, follow the guidelines on the MSDS
Dosing amounts
  • 30kg to 1,200kg: 100ml
  • 1,500kg to 2,500kg: 200ml
  • 3.5 tonnes to 5.0 tonnes 400ml
  • 6 tonnes to 10 tonnes 800ml
  • 12 tonnes + 1 litre.
Sanitising procedure
  • 30kg: run machine for 25 minutes after dosing. Stop for 10 minutes, run for further 30 minutes. Discard ice.
  • 70 kg: run machine for 15 minutes after dosing. Stop for 10 minutes, run for further 20 minutes. Discard ice.
  • 150kg - 250kg: run machine for 3 minutes after dosing. Stop for 10 minutes, run for further 10 minutes. Discard ice.
  • 350kg - 375kg: run machine for 2 minutes after dosing. Stop for 10 minutes, run for further 5 minutes. Discard ice.
  • 550kg -750kg: run machine for 1 minute after dosing. Stop for 10 minutes, run for further 3 minutes. Discard ice.
  • 1 tonne and above: run machine for 30 seconds after dosing. Stop for 10 minutes, run for further 2 minutes. Discard ice.

Ziegra Sanitiser 5 litre tub.

Order Part # ZUK9700044


Ziegra ice machine sanitiser 5 litre

Ziegra Ice Machine Sanitiser 100ml 'single dose' tube.

Order Part # ZUK9700045


Ziegra ice machine sanitiser 100ml


Ziegra Ice Machines (UK) Ltd

Tel: 0844 8808055

Ziegra Ice Machines (UK) Ltd
Unit 2, Phoenix Court, Hammond Avenue, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1PQ
Tel:0844 8808055   Fax: 0161 480 7927   Email: ice@ziegra.co.uk

Specialists in...
Ice Production, Storage, Handling
and Dosing Systems